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Synthetic replacement tanning agents |
AN is mainly used for retanning chrome and semichrome
leather that is to be dyed in full brilliant shades. |
Nature |
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on aromatic sulphonic acid condensation products. |
Specification |
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Concentration 95% approx.
pH (1:10)
3.5 – 4.0 |
Properties |
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AN is yellowish readily water soluble powder. The
product is compatible with chrome tanning agents and
combination tanning agents containing chrome and with
anionic dyes and auxiliaries; it disperses vegetable
tannins. Jktan AN is compatible with synthetic tanning
agents as well. If dyeings are to be obtained, however,
the product must be applied alone in a purely synthetic
AN imparts medium fullness and good softness to the
leather. The shade of the retanned leather has good
light fastness and it is clear and brilliant and
bleached to a substantially less extent than by a
retannage with conventional synthetic tanning agents. |
Application |
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AN can be readily applied in both a separate retanning
liquor and the neutralizing bath. The product goes on
to the leather fibre fairly well even at relatively high
pH. Before the dyeing process, however, the leathers
should be replaced by a fresh bath. If the retannage is
required to have a stronger filling effect, Jktan AN can
also be used in combination with vegetable tanning,
Jktan FB-6, without any appreciable bleach effect. |
Environment |
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Permits good exhaustion of dyes and fat liquors and thus
helps to reduce pollution by tannery effluents. |
Safety |
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know of no ill effects resulting from the use of Jktan
OS for the purpose for which they are intended and in
accordance with the current practice. |